dialogId("z-v-sef", "font_big", "The boss called a moment ago. He was very satisfied with our performance.")
dialogStr("Před chvílí volal šéf. Byl s námi moc spokojen.")
dialogId("z-m-nemluv", "font_small", "Don`t mention the boss to me. He sits somewhere in his cozy office and we have to do all the dirty work.")
dialogStr("O šéfovi mi ani nemluv. On si sedí někde v teploučku, zatím co my jsme se dřely.")
dialogId("z-v-slyset", "font_big", "Shhh, he could hear us.")
dialogStr("Pssst, může nás slyšet.")
dialogId("z-m-netusi", "font_small", "How could he? He surely doesn`t even know how long it took us.")
dialogStr("Jak by nás mohl slyšet. Určitě ani netuší, jak dlouho nám to trvalo.")
dialogId("z-m-dlouho", "font_small", "Really? It didn`t seem that long to me.")
dialogStr("Jé, tak dlouho mi to ani nepřipadlo.")
dialogId("z-v-pozdrav", "font_big", "Dear player. We would like to communicate to you the high regards of the authors of this game. If you didn`t solve it by some cheat, you are really very, very good. It`s a pity we cannot see you from here, but...")
dialogStr("Hráči, máme ti vyřídit pozdrav a uznání od autorů hry. Jestli jsi to neřešil nějakým podvodem, tak jsi opravdu dobrej. Nebo dokonce dobrá? My tě tady odsud moc nevidíme.")
dialogId("z-m-oblicej", "font_small", "Could you please put your face in front of the hard disk LED? You might not know it but it is a kind of computer`s eye through which...")
dialogStr("Mohl bys dát obličej před kontrolku harddisku? Možná to nevíš, ale to je takové oko počítače, kterým tě...")
dialogId("z-v-forky", "font_big", "Stop this jokes of yours. This is a very special moment. So:")
dialogStr("Nech už těch fórků. Teď je slavnostní chvíle. Takže:")